Frequently Asked Questions

What is a sanctuary management plan?
The management plan acts as a road map to:
  1. Guide site programming and management actions toward achievement of the sanctuary's goals; and
  2. Inform sanctuary constituents, including the general public, about the sanctuary and planned actions by NOAA to manage the sanctuary over the next five to 10 years.

The management plan contains information about the sanctuary's environment and resources, staffing and administration, regulations and boundaries, and priority management issues and actions proposed to address them. The sanctuary's current management plan was published in 2014, and is available online.

Why review the sanctuary management plan?

Over time, the management plan must be reviewed and updated to adapt to changing conditions and needs within the sanctuary. Since the adoption of the current management plan in 2014, new resource management issues have emerged, as have new partners, technologies, and opportunities. An evaluation of past conservation accomplishments and future needs at Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary will allow site managers and partners to revise priorities as necessary.

Periodic review and update is also a statutory requirement. Prior to review of the management plan, a new condition report is published to identify current status and trends of sanctuary resources and reveal emerging issues of concern that can be evaluated for potential management attention.

What is the expected timeline for the management plan review and revision?

The entire process is estimated to take two to three years, starting with the initial scoping period. Priority topics for the revised management plan will be identified in late 2025. A draft management plan, a draft National Environmental Policy Act compliance document, and draft regulatory changes will be released by early 2027, and final documents are expected by the end of 2027.

What is a public scoping meeting?

At the onset of a management plan review, the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries holds public meetings to "scope out" or receive input from sanctuary users, interest groups, government agencies, and other members of the public about resource management issues of concern. More information about public scoping is available at the management plan revision page of our website.

How can I get involved and stay informed during the management plan process?

Keep up to date on the management plan revision process, ask questions, and receive notifications when there are opportunities for public comment by following the sanctuary's email list or social media channels.

You may also attend public meetings of the Sanctuary Advisory Council, at which the management plan revision will be a regularly discussed topic throughout the process. For meeting details, check the advisory council webpage or contact the resource protection coordinator.