Get Involved

Gray's Reef is part of the community. People are our number one resource to conserve and protect Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary. Through volunteers, interns, and advisory councils, the sanctuary strives to promote an informed and engaged community to strengthen our efforts. Find out one of the many ways you can support your national marine sanctuary.

A person holds a net over the gunwale of a boat floating on the water.


Volunteering with your national marine sanctuaries is a rewarding experience offering on-water and on-land opportunities.

A group of people stand in two rows for a group picture during the fall season.

Sanctuary Advisory Council

Advisory councils give a voice to the communities influenced by Gray's Reef. Equal representation is important for maintaining a strong sanctuary and surrounding seas.

A red and white scuba diving flag is attached to a boat with a yellow weather buoy floating on the ocean surface.

Get Into Your Sanctuary

Join the nationwide celebration of national marine sanctuaries through the Get Into Your Sanctuary annual campaign!

A black and white striped fish swims over green algae at a reef.

Subscribe to Our Newsletter

Volunteer, education and general e-newsletters are an easy way to support your national marine sanctuary. Social media also has regular updates.